One Nation With Brian Kilmeade : FOXNEWSW : August 10, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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>> have a 10-year-old who went to universal studios. no wonder ticket sales are down for greg's. >> joe to loop the loop roller coaster? i close my eyes and scream the entire time. >> martin spot buying things and spending more money. >> exactly. all right, it has been great being with you guys this weekend. >> will do it again tomorrow >> do it tomorrow that's right. same time same place. >> the show is for three hours tomorrow. [laughter] three hours. cooks all right guys will be back here at 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big wicked show tomorrow. "one nation" starts right now. ♪

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welcome to one nation, it is saturday night. make your life little bit better, got tyrus with us to break down when media goes down. the recipe for donald trump's prescription but sometimes success should he want to win over the next 90 days. kelsey gabler would be with us, how life got worse through no fault of her own and john tapper. the real economy, small business owners, he knows the challenges of the and what it takes to turn it around and donald trump's secret weapon, kayla montgomery but first, the race for the white house. right now, here's where we stand. their politics average for both candidates has a dead heat battleground states, it's no different basically dead heat. look at this. it's changed a lot since he dropped out but rallies on repeat and mental interviews.

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fasting one minute thursday, how long can kamala loads honeymoon lasts. kayleigh mcenany cohost to see her all over and the former press secretary for donald tr trump. great to see you. >> good to be here. >> how long does the kamala harris bolts honeymoon lasts? >> until donald j trump and it. to me that moment where it can and is september tenth during the abc debate. media will not end the honeymoon, the media will proper up. kamala is a second coming of obama, tim bolts dropped out of what david axelrod said. it's hyperbole, they said this. donald trump can and the end of the base station audience if he were to get policy, he could cut the honeymoon off. >> it's interesting, joe biden

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was up by six by this time last election in 2016, trump trailing again so he was up comfortably with joe biden and it takes a while for his equilibrium to settle up. press conference over an hour, because the trump use? you think he was ticked off about being in the circ*mstance? >> he might be he mentioned having to be biden and ended his political career at 49 years and having to be somebody else. he began on the right tone and talk about the economy and we could be on the edge of another 1929 depression and i think it is the right messaging but he needs to couple with that his prescriptive outcome or plan for the economy and i think that should be including the cost of childcare, paid family leave, something kamala will talk about so emphasize your record and what is your plan for the future? he has one, layout. >> your opponent will not put their policies even on their

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website let alone speeches and the track record and you find out most of her staff backtracked on what she believes and so currently the press is not pushing but the president has to deal with that. next, tim wild rose out on stage as number two and i thought about this more than any other because you were there, he described the pandemic and the former president's actions during the pandemic this way. >> he grows in the face of the covered crisis and drove our economy into the ground and make no mistake, violent crime was up under donald trump. [cheering] >> you were there, did he freeze? >> what a joke. violent crime was up. he worked in charge, donald trump, i remember one day i was on the phone with him half dozen times and every time i was on the phone, he was telling me about the last call he had with

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the governor to get ppe to their state mask n95 respirators. jared kushner said it was scary, we thought we are not going to have enough ventilators, stockpile was thin this man, president trump was able to mobilize the private sector and get ventilators in pe to the states. here's the most important thing, i remember one time in the oval office -- he and others were saying you can't open the country, he can't open the country. president trump knew it was time to open the country, he pushed to open and found equilibrium between treating seriously and opening up the country and now god is like desantis, college of on the right side of history. >> operation warp speed wouldn't happen if they were pushed back and frozen and when you talk about breathing for three days, he let minneapolis burn and the city is still not recovered to the state. the police force 40% down.

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>> and he let it burn and i remember trump saying get control of your city like get the national guard in there and knew this needed happen. this is the second biggest moment in modern american history, let that sink in. >> president trump saying nice things about coveralls, you want to put that in context? >> president trump is diplomatic and he understands having relationships across the aisle. i believe governor murphy of new jersey, he was on the tone phone and knew how to strike the stone of unity out of time of unrest and that's probably what he was doing but behind the scenes saying they need to get their city under control. i set the podium and said this is the failed government let burn and that's what was seen in what he believed. >> who is running out of country?

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at the beach this weekend, a situation that could blow up at any moment and stabbed in the back and kicked to the curb and beat up by his own party, where we go from here? you think there is a chance take you up kamala harris to take over the country early and display the country? could not be happening? >> then she would be commander-in-chief and it's hard to take the manner in chief away from someone is the incumbent but i realized today but these, the crises we see on the world stage, she becomes president, she owns the biden crises, i don't think they want her owning the crises. you be the person waiting in the bank so i think he stays because strategic. >> what happened to the background, many books will be written. the car to harris people and all they have is hunter and his problems. great to see you. invaluable especially during the sprint to the finish the next two months.

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>> love the show. >> people are voting with their stomachs meaning they are going to the grocery store paying 50, 60, 70% more than a couple of years ago. i am doing no tax on tips. no tax on tips so waiters, waitresses, people who drive cars, people who get tips harassed by the government, no tax on tips, a big big. >> i'm loving that. former president trump doubling down. nobody knows the restaurant retail business better than my next guest, he's helped hundreds of family businesses across the country and their families. he knows the challenges of making it in this economy. >> they want to lose their mo money, you get people sick, that is unacceptable. >> is doing card tricks all about his ego.

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how about that? >> was wrong with my attitude is you. $8000. i think it is. i think it's not. >> got to move on in. joining us now, host of our rescue is knowledge as an expert in this country about the real economy. great to see you. i'm tired of looking at macroeconomics. i want to talk to you about a guy who knows small business, what is it like to run a small business in this country right now? >> i think the proof is in the pudding, traffic is down so even

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on fox a few weeks ago a poll, 60% of americans think fast food is a luxury now. what a shift from utilitarian real to luxury real so there is a shift, traffic is down cost of let me give you i had to write a couple of them. in california, $20 minimum wage almost killed them but bidenomics them down, they filed bankruptcy. tijuana flags filed bankruptcy. the company called miracle restaurant group, 25 rvs, fast food, all 25 are closed, they filed bankruptcy. company filed with 17 units and route 21 retailers, bed bath and beyond, all bankruptcies and the horrifying and that doesn't even take into account all of the independence and hundreds of independent restaurants and gift

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shops and other businesses and of course the families impacted and that's for you see it about the family of at the restaurant. they are made up of small businesses, right? >> it is completely. i drive through the downtown area and vacant stores, i don't see think it's worth, i see crushed families, crushed dr dreams. the impact is powerful. whether you are on the left or right no matter what your political desires are, prosperity drives everything. no side can implement any agenda if we don't have prosperity. abraham lincoln said if you want to protect the employee, take care of the employer. our government is almost against all business now and if we don't protect these businesses, how do we keep unemployment low?

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how do we have the tax base to grow and develop our country? research and filament, new products, everything falls apart without prosperity and we are facing continuing agenda that i believe is disarming our ability to find that prosperity, we need a change. >> labor cost of 98%, 90% and they will hire food cost, 38% said they were not preferable last year. when you turn around and say i care about the worker so i want to raise wages. they are small margin. if you raise wages, you got to do something to their hours are you don't get any business so not taxing tips help? >> sure it does and that 25% or more of the tips back in their pocket but as a consumer like that, if i leave a $20 tip, i like the idea that one 100% of

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it is going to be employees of a win-win and it does give employees of substantial raise and they go home with that money every night, terrific. >> when i look at is to help businesses, they don't worry about bumper sticker for 32nd ad or nbc or fox. want to know what would help and here about listening relations, own my own business so what administration or philosophy would be better for small business owner? the new tax plan being extended door and. >> first of all, i think it has to be ended. we cannot have more gains tax on businesses. if we do, business operates on percentages and restaurant business, a third of my revenue base for food and beverage, a third base for labor and the third is also used to have 10%.

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if you raised by a certain percentage, i have to raise other things to keep my margins intact so it always gets past through to the consumer and that's what we are seeing. one final thing, if food is 30% revenues then every dollar hamburger goes up in price, the restaurant has to raise $3 in price so that is essential when you think about the impact on the consumer so they are pushing back. >> for the longest time we hear the president saying anonymous look at the number compared to the economy but the real people on a daily basis, the numbers on the economy always going toward trump. i want those years on three and a half years. when you talk to these endless, they felt the same way. why was it? why did they feel it was better when macro numbers look like it's better now? >> i think it was economic but

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greater than economic and i don't think we have violence on the streets. i think the whole psyche was different. we had a positive outlook for our economy, positive outlook for communities and i think we take a look at the impact of crime from covid was an instigator in some but the impact of crime what we have financial income, stresses of financial, the pressure of the campaigns trying to dissect the truth from lies at all of this adds pressure to the consumer and makes life less motivating. >> another great season on far rescue and when you're in it like trump knows what it's like and the hospitality business, you understand what the real economy is and an understanding of what these people need and people who by the hotels and restaurants don't hate them, they are the ones taking the risk during the jobs.

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thank you so much. great to see you. next, why it is nightmare. posey gathered here detail unconstitutional experience and still to come, the trump battle plan and we break it down davis hanson. keep it right here watching one nation. ♪

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welcome back, former democratic congresswoman posey gathered targeted by a government watch program and this is scary, was reportedly placed as part of so-called quiet skies program, tear watchlist she was put on entertainment the tsa said the quiet skies program is a risk based approach to identify passengers and hit measures but didn't reveal which passengers require the additional scre screening. joining us now as a passenger lieutenant colonel in the u.s. army reserves fox news contributor josie gabbard. great to see you, could you describe what your life has been like since being put on this list july 23 when you travel? >> in summary, everything

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changed july 23 where in all of my travels and travel quite frequently, i was subjected to in-depth screening by tsa. by in-depth, 30 to 45 minutes of going through screening every time i go to the airport to fly, i've noticed air marshals and canines teams and things i saw and noticed our highly unusual when the air marshal comes forward, the details they disclosed. the exactly match experiences i've been going through but the deepest pain and harm and stress caused by all of this is forever going forward i will always look over my shoulder, wondering if how my government is surveilling me, what they are looking for, are they reading my e-mails and texts, listening to my phone calls? losing that sense of freedom

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everyone of us as americans is guaranteed and violating my fourth amended constitutional rights. what they are doing is completely unconstitutional and has a chilling effect on me and my family, my husband has gone the same treatment i have and wondering if i say this, what retaliatory measures of the going to take? how will they intrude in my life and family life and liberty? >> you had whistleblowers come from within the tsa saying you are being targeted and it's not okay. obviously it's not okay, you have exemplary life, you serve your country and in congress, he does have decided you want to be democrat anymore, they were not given you an explanation of why your targeted like this. >> have not been given any explanation, one from tsa or any government agency has reached out to me. i have spoken with

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whistleblowers and attorneys, i've spoken with leaders in congress and every one of them says it's unacceptable. for me the hurtful thing is like so many americans, i enlisted because of terrorist attack on 9/11 and continue to wear the uniform and served my country 21 years and deployed 23 different war zones to fight against those terrorists and now my government has put me on a terrorist watchlist as potential terrorist threat. it's not only insane, it is hurtful and i know i'm not the only one, it's not just about me which is why it is so important we stop them. we cannot be allowed to abuse their power and violate us in the most personal ways. >> are you going to sue? >> yes mickelson, you should. on a lighter note as you know kamala harris on the debate

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stage in 2020 is going to be the nominee, democratic nominee picked waltz to be with her and the next thing we found out as of now september 10 will be the first debate between trump and harris. here is a little of the last time she was on the stage and probably the last time with you. >> senator harris said she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and she will be a prosecutor that i am deeply concerned about this record. there are too many examples to cite the she put 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and laughed when she was asked if she smoked marijuana. [applause] >> i am proud of that work and proud of making a decision being a legislative body and give speeches on the floor but doing the work. >> the bottom line is, when you are in a position to make a difference and impact in these lives, he did not and the people who suffered, you owe them an

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apology. >> when you were there, what could president trump take from what you brought to that stage? it was a pretty much knockout. >> kamala harris has a very destructive record in every public office she's worked in the state of california as u.s. senator and vice president of the united states. on issues every american should care about and does care about, our economy and their open border policy and the damage is done to our country making us less safe and making communities less safe, there is a long list of issues that affect every american focusing on her failed record and how dangerous she would be as president is what

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needs to be focused on so people are not tricked into believing what the mainstream propaganda media are telling them because it is not the truth. >> if you prepare, there's a lot to work with. you are the only one to do that for years ago. great to see you, i look forward to solving this and making them pay the price for doing that. appreciate it. next, majority of voters approve of the job donald trump is doing as president so why are polls so close? the man that knows and i want you -- i want to hear from you. send us your video and will send you one nation flag and if you have it, take one nation on vacation and send us a picture. who the model is the key is a lot better looking than me. for watching one nation. glad you are. ♪

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look will

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willlittlenotewelcome to fox

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news live, i am in new york, former president trump's campaign says medications have been hacked. this after the digital newspaper

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started receiving e-mails from an anonymous account that include documents from terms operation. the campaign is aiming iranian hackers but provided no evidence to back up the plane. iran is ramping up efforts to influence the election. international criticism for launching an airstrike in gaza city, hamas run ministry says 80 people were killed and 50 others were injured. fox news cannot verify the numbers. israel's military claims hamas terrorists were using the school as cover for command center. the strike could jeopardize cease-fire talks and scheduled to start thursday. now back to one nation. >> majority of americans approve the job former president trump did when he was in the white house. 54% according to a recent poll, so why is the race currently tied? asked the author of the case for

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trump, he's out with a new addition and some additions to it with the hoover institute senior fellow. victor davis hanson so we give you the easy question, he's got 54% of the people looking favorably for years, why is he tied with kamala harris? >> he is problem penetrating the media bearer and adopting the tactics of including their candidates because they don't feel confident they can speak publicly in the past biden because of cognitive challenges harris and false innate pro problems, the people are not hearing them subject to cross-examination both posing as moderates with institutional and media help. they only have about 85 days to do this, it wasn't a normal campaign of year or two, no

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primary to select paris and never one for delegate to vote, it was just a coronation at the trump team off balance trying to readjust quickly as a candidate there is media smothering up their appearances and i guess after 60 seconds of unscripted but a journalist they enter a red zone and they will not allow them talk so they have to force the issue and have to do it quickly. >> how did they do that? one would be the debate in september i get but before that, i think they gave their secret away the have your own press conference, embarrass them to step it up. for every 60 minutes of trump does, she gets 60 seconds. >> and he did that at the press conference and it's a good start and they've got to hammer on

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that that they are afraid of the american people in the party that claims democracy dies in darkness has done nothing 11 collect these candidates in darkness and perpetuate estelle the campaign, they've got to do it nonstop and challenge them and embarrass them to get out there and let's be honest, trump needs to get as many debates as he can before early voting and he gets two or three, he had a wonderful debate against biden in 2020 and corrected so i think the mistake of the first debate 50 million people had early voting and can't make that mistake again, he's got to get out before early voting and show the american people that harris is not much different than biden and her inability to mitigate and surely she is to the left of biden and ideology. >> by taking tim walt saying, to

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maximize then went over moderates which is an interesting challenging for trump. the book is interesting. you chronicle what i almost forgot and that is how the cases that were supposed to destroy him actually fueled him and here is an excerpt from your book, the left felt its agenda trump indictments would alienate voters from a third trump presidential run or at least exhaust him physically. psychologically and trump's resurrection was not a result of black swan offense after his own self-inflicted wounds but 2023 trump up his case surrounding himself with more sober as to political campaign advisors and this could be if he can complete in november the greatest comeback in american political history. >> i believe that and still the i think he is a good chance to win. susan wiles and people running

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through social, a lot of ad hoc and people who understand politics. >> i think j.d. vance has been tremendous this week. watch. >> what bothers me about tim walt is the : phallic garbage. he got to stop giving honeymoon and pretend she something she isn't. >> i just want to check out my future plan but i want to go under the vice president and asked her why kamala harris refuses, why does she refuse to answer russians from the media? i have enough respect for you all in the american people to come and talk to you. >> he knows the issues. your thoughts? >> i got kind of upset to begin with that they talk as if he didn't give balance to the ticket. he gave a unique type of balance, the election will be one of about three or four states in his task is to be fluent and persuasive for

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independent voters and energize people of the lower middle class and working class to go out and vote the way they didn't in 2016 and even 2020 but most important is a gifted impromptu speak. he understands the media and who they are and what they do and he's fearless and capable and that's why trump victim and that's going to be more apparent as the election wears on. >> one of the best storytellers, i've got to make a movie on his life. thanks so much. the case for trump is out, go pick up. the newest special we have been hosting, temp walls, you're going to really love it and tyrus breaks down the most outrageous media moments like only he can.feel

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♪ you on all did it only from where will be close by the cost

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grandma: billy, i need help with the clicker. billy: one second, grandma. this guy's going to buy my car. caller: billy? you still there? we gotta deal, right? grandma: you need carvana. grandma: what's your plate number? billy: boss... mov grandma: vehicle accidents, right? billy: no. grandma: good. generating offer. carvana can pick it up tomorrow! billy: that's an amazing offer. billy: but do you still need help with the clicker? grandma: i'll ask your sister. announcer: sell your car the easy way with carvana. why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fire extinguisher. and to fight heartburn, why take 10 antacids throughout the day when you can take 1 prilosec. for easier heartburn relief, one beats ten. prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn.

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honest and sometimes will will live. when we do, we call them out. we are looking for yours of the week. here to break it down will, fox news contributor to harris, this was decided last week. what have you come up with? >> a lot of good interns on here to get this information. >> no broken. >> versus msnbc and that's when it appears and pro kamala ha

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harris. >> he was saying trump kat when so let's find out the truth. >> role that footage. >> that from the washington post it is back didn't mention will. they completely attend it didn't happen. let's look at what they are looking for because she is a strong woman, she is a person served overseas twice in the medical unit so she saw people blown up by the war, she was a congresswoman for eight years and a person of color. everything you want, all those things you want. she's going with the mcdonald's she's not. she is of long was she the person who served overseas twice so a congresswoman for eight years, a person of color. everything you want. she's going to win. >> russia.

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>> they just want no trump no matter what. >> that take away if you watch msnbc, trump kat when. >> must segment so they will pull out all stops. it is shocking and i wish that was the worst of it but it gets worse british parking lot virtue joy read. >> we knew this week is an ablative. >> who would be number two? must kelly would have been a safer place because is more like a mayonnaise sandwich. a white mayonnaise sandwich as if it came in and the other color but i don't enjoy dropping racial epithets in front of people like you. >> this is not the pic i

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expected that she would make. if it come down to the final three as we understand it that she would go keep it real, he to me would have been the safest most conventionally safe. white, super white like mayonnaise sandwich on wonder bread white from a border state he could have made a strong argument for her handling of the border. >> what are your thoughts listen to that? >> i get amazed at what america will allow on tv these days. could you imagine someone saying while he's black -- she's more of terrible, dark, you know what i'm saying? he would never see that person again and you shouldn't and it's the same thing with her, ridiculous. >> on total pass. >> everyone knows no one has claimed mayonnaise sandwich, ridiculous. topic three.

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the question is when the new york times reports, we know the editorial but just tell it like it is play-by-play. >> does like you, down the middle. never wavered. >> instead we get this. >> you are about to get a treat. >> this is as it was describing kamala harris. >> ms. harris, former prosecutor and more relevantly black woman unrelenting spotlight of national politics. where's ron shoulder suits, pearls and heels, sometimes crisp checks and she's marching of brow with the hands of carefully curated. i have to be honest, i'm not really comfortable. i feel like i stole my mom's romance novels that i did know was getting into. >> that is the recording on her debut as we didn't know that for three and a half years. >> like the hands were like this as they were reading like

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risk-taking. >> to think there's anything close to that written up by trump? >> maybe the high school love letter from the future or past present again we are going to end this on a holier note than you can possibly imagine. someone on harris' team should be fired. >> trench nailed it with one of these big talkers and tried to mimic that. how did it go? >> check out. >> to do a live stream, they need to be fired. stop letting social media run her campaign. you saw the attention garnered in the headline and thought. he saw social media saying the

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vice president's least developed you ran to make it happens. now you stopping it. is it organic? should not even care about politics. he is trying to student are short. this is true, everything is sourced. on speakerphone. again when you say things like the coolest thing about me is old butter. got to work on their doctor evil dance a little bit. >> media goes bad but you are always right. i think it sounds right. >> we have to go to break. going to go on stage, the percent off if you want to see me. history, liberty and flax. patriotism cool again and we have fun and hope to see everybody online and find out

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more next, donald trump secret weapons. don't move. >> nobody needs this message more than my folks. ♪ will. ♪ will

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subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude.

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and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing] i don't care what the media tells you.

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[applause] [screaming] >> that impromptu moment when former president trump made a stop at chick-fil-a inmate michaela mcconnell it, donald trump secret weapon. >> i can tell you rent is too high. as a young black woman, groceries are to buy and as an american citizen, seniors like my parents should never have to choose between medicine. save for the black community but all she's done is hurt the black communities since she came to the game. nobody needs this message more than my folks. with this for real. >> they cheered. michaela montgomery the superstar for the trump cam campaign. she is the founder of deserve the culture. thank you for joining us.

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one of the last few months been like since you joined the trump team? >> these last few months i'm not officially with the trump team as of yet so these opportunities to see for me just kicking down doors for myself trying to get the message out there. luckily the hard work has been noticed and acknowledged by president trump so hopefully i will be joining the team real soon. >> what did you discover about his agenda makes it feel as though it's your best interest to support him? i think the fact that trump can really talk about policy. it's not even just the bills he passed while he was president, is the quality of life i experience because there was a lot going on behind the scenes. i'm not an economist so i can tell you about the economy but i know i had more money when trump was president. i'm not a developer but i can tell you i saw better development and investment in my communities when trump was president. i'm not an educator but i feel the standards for education and our teachers were treated better

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and felt more appreciated when trump was president so these are just personal experiences that have been like yes, i would like to live like that again. >> what's interesting is the polls against joe biden making some inroads with the americans, mostly men but with kamala harris he's lost some points. how does he get them back? >> i think he gets them back focusing on policy. kamala harris cannot do nothing but fear mongering, the rage they think they. if you go economy for the economy, she cannot stay, education for education plan, she can't. we discussed plan for plan tamales trump has an agenda and kamala harris has yet to put anything out and regress is what she plans as president. >> just keep fighting for trump? >> i'm going to do everything in my power to get us across the

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finish line. >> they are smart, they will sign you up and give you a job should they win. best of luck, thank you for joining us today. that is it for our show and i know you want to follow us so they do it at one nation everywhere, every social media platform. i what the chinese following us. tune in tomorrow morning, they got a great show six to 10:00. nineteen in monday to friday, that's growing in the country. a simulcast together and protect the tv guide, next up is jimmy failla, i saw him in the hall and he looks great but a little different. i can't wait to watch. the music is going to get lo louder. ♪ >> jimmy failla and this i

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One Nation With Brian Kilmeade : FOXNEWSW : August 10, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.